Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chaper 3 Preview

Please Join us On November 21st to
honor the passing of someone very important to us,
Edward Palmer.
He was well known in school for being a retard,
and some called him many things,
But to us all, he was someone else.
Please wear black.
The ceremony is from 11:00 am- 7:00 pm.
All people giving speeches must wear a black rose,
Here are what a few of us had to say.

"He was like a brother to me, he always listened to me, and cared about what I was saying, not just the gossip, but all the other stuff i wanted to say"
-Krista Newberry

"He was a spaz, but he was one of MY spazzes"
-Mai Darlen

"He used to buy us cookies, and Lauren was SO mean to him"
-Melanie Hoffernan

"He was the Hugh Hefner of Karen Grove"
-Some Random dude that told us this

"Now that hes gone, can i have his stuff?"
-Edmund Palmer, his twin brother

All people attending must RVSP to Krista Newberry

See you there!

Chapter 2

"Hes DEAD!?!?" Krista screamed. She hung up her phone. She was in a state of shock, awe and she couldnt believe it. He had always helped her through her guy problems, he was like a brother to her, and just like that he was DEAD. Gone, kaput, and totally and utterly gone. The rest of thier lunch table looked shocked as she told them the news.
"Okay guys I know this is hard for you guys but Edward died" She said. Everyone there had a frown on thier face, sad of thier loss.
"Lets have a moment of silence to honor him" Mai said. They all sat there, quiet. Lauren felt good to have called Krista and told her. The nurse called her into Edwards room, she went in even though he was dead, she could look at him one last time. She walked in only to see him there smiling at her.
"You so owe me for this." He said with a grin.
"Oh my god! You're ALIVE!!" She said happily. She ran to give him a big hug, after all he WAS one of her best guy friends. Krista would be so happy!! Uh oh.. Krista, Lauren felt this was the right time to call her. But maybe in a little bit.
"So, what were you guys gonna do if i was dead? Cry yourself to sleep?" Edward asked, laughing.
"Uh no way, Mai, Melanie, and Krista might but I didnt really care." Lauren stayed strong, even though she felt the complete opposite of what she told him, she didnt care. He didnt need to know THAT part.
"Well a certain paramedic told me that a brunette that looked like Anne Frank was crying her eyes out when she saw me passed out" He said.
"You could pass for her if you cut all your hair off." They laughed. Lauren smiled, then the doctor came in and looked at Edward.
"I have bad news" He said.
"What is it?" They asked.
"Im sorry, but you have a month to live, your kidney was damaged in the accident, and you need a donor. I'm sorry, but if you dont get a replacement, you'll die. Youre blood type O, which is an extremely hard match to find. Do you have any friends that may be able to be donors?" The doctor asked. Edward thought about it, Krista WAS a sister to him, but she hated being anywhere near the operating table, sometimes he couldnt believe she wanted to be a doctor! Mai's kidneys were probably ruined from all the alcohol she drank on weekends. Melanie would just laugh. Oriana might. But he knew definitly that Lauren wouldnt.
"I'll take a donor test" Said a voice. Edward couldnt believe her eyes, she was really gonna do it....

Chapter 2 Preview.

"Hes DEAD!?!?" Krista screamed. She hung up her phone. She was in a state of shock, awe and she couldnt believe it. He had always helped her through her guy problems, he was like a brother to her, and just like that he was DEAD. Gone, kaput, and totally and utterly gone. The rest of thier lunch table looked shocked as she told them the news. "Okay guys I know this is hard for you guys but-"

Chapter 1

As Krista twirled a strand of her hair, she looked at the clock, wondering where the hell he was. She looked at Lauren totally absorbed with the sloppiest, and nastiest boy in the world- Adam. As they were chattering away, Kristas friend Alan was admiring Melanie from afar, and Melanie was busy yanking her mountain dew away from Mai, who was busy sketching away on her notepad. Oriana however, was busy across the table with a bunch of guys laughing it away because some retard over there burped- LOUD. Krista smiled. Their plan was intact. Edward was looking in the mirrior that his annoying stalker Doris carried to make sure his hair looked good. He brushed off the sleeve of his shoulder and gave a thumbs up to her. Krista gave him a 3 sign. Edward walked up to their table smiling. He held the cookies in his hand.
"Oh my gawd food!!" Mai screamed. She grabbed a cookie and started munching. Melanie followed.
"Thanks tard!" She laughed. Krista thanked him and grabbed her own. Finally everyone else finished until only Laurens was left. She sat there with a look on her face.
"I dont want it, just give it to Katherine" She said with clenched teeth. Krista looked at Edward, he looked like someone just stabbed him with a knife. She knew it killed him inside.
"I gotta go guys" Lauren ran out the lunchroom door. She felt a surge of pain flow through her blood.
"Lauren wait!" she heard someone call behind her. She turned around and saw Edward there, looking at her with his haunting eyes.
"What do you want?" she asked.
"Why did you say that?" He asked, wondering.
"Say what?" she asked.
"The thing about Katherine. Its not my fault they wont let me sit with you guys" He said, sadly.
"Its not supposed to be thier decision, its supposed to be YOURS" she pushed him away and walked down the parking lot, just as she walked past a car came- and it slid and was swerving its way torwards her.
"Watch out!" Edward pushed her into the grass and the car hit him. Lauren looked at him as he lay there- unconsious and maybe dead. Lauren got up and looked at him, and tears began flowing out of her eyes. She could hear the siren come, and she watched still as the paramedics loaded him into the ambulance.
"Can I come with?" she asked.
"I want to be there for him" And that accident would always leave a mark on him.